class Solution:
def uniquePaths(self, m: int, n: int) -> int:
# Create the bottom row of the grid
row = [0 for _ in range(n)]
# The last element in the last row represents the
# target. We can reach there in 1 way
row[-1] = 0
# We have to compute every row of the grid starting
# from the bottom
for _ in range(m):
new_row = [0 for _ in range(n)]
for c in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
# There is only one way to reach the target
# from the last column that is to keep
# going down
if c == n - 1:
new_row[c] = 1
# For any other position in the grid
# We can go right OR go down. So from here
# The total number of way is
# num_way(down) + num_ways(right)
new_row[c] = new_row[c + 1] + row[c]
row = new_row
return row[0]
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